PETRAS Summer school in Vulcano 2024

Summer school on Planetology, Exploration, Terrestrial analogs, Robotics, Astrobiology, Spectroscopy
Vulcano, Aeolian islands, June 12th – June 20th

The PETRAS Vulcano School 2024 (June 12th- June 20th 2024) is a summer school aimed at PhD students, but also open to master’s students and post-doctoral researchers. This is a result of a collaboration between University of Perugia (UniPG), TU Bergakademie Freiberg (TUBAF), IU international University of Applied Sciences (IUBH), European Astrobiology Institute (EAI), German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) and various sections of German Aerospace Center (DLR).
PETRAS Vulcano School 2024 is part of the Vulcano International Summer School initiative which has been ongoing since 2015 and has been funded over the years by Helmholtz Alliance Robotic Exploration of Extreme Environments (ROBEX), Europlanet, ARCHES and iFOODis.
PETRAS Vulcano School is within the program offered by the PhD Board of the Earth System and Global Changes doctoral course of the University of Perugia (9 ECTS).
PETRAS Vulcano School promotes a multidisciplinary approach, involving volcanologists, geophysicists, astrobiologists, electronic/mechanical engineers and computer scientists to provide a 360-degree vision of the different skills needed by the planetary sciences community.
For years, the school’s organizational team has presented the results of field research at various conferences, including school participants who actively contribute to data collection and analysis. The research and working groups will be approximately the following:
- Vulcanology
- Planetology
- Spectroscopy (Raman, VNIR, LIBS)
- Astrobiology
- Exploration (Drone surveys, Photogrammetry, 3-D modeling, Integrated Positioning System IPS)
- Geophysical investigations
- Robotics
More information on PETRAS are in the school’s webpage here.