The 28° European Cosmic-Ray Symposium ECRS – Hvar, Croatia, 23-27 September 2024
- M. Orcinha et al. (2024), “An effective and predictive model for the long-term variations of Cosmic Rays in the Heliosphere”
- M. Orcinha et al. (2024), “Precision measurement of periodicities in the daily proton fluxes with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer”
Roma International Conference on AstroParticle Physics RICAP – Rome, Italy, 23-27 September 2024
- D. Pelosi et al. (2024), “A new charge-sign dependent model for predicting the long-term variations of Cosmic Rays in the Heliosphere”
42° International Conference on High-Energy Physics ICHEP – Prague, Czech Republic, 18-24 July 2024
- F. Faldi (2024), “Daily Proton and Helium Fluxes Temporal Evolution with AMS-02”
Seventeenth Marcel Grossman Meeting – Pescara, Italy, 7-12 July 2024
- F. Faldi (2024), “Temporal Evolution of the Daily Proton, Helium, Electron and Positron Fluxes with AMS-02”
EGU General Assembly 2024 Vienna, Austria & Online | 14–19 April 2024
- D. Pelosi et al. (2024), “An effective and predictive model for the long-term variations of Cosmic Rays in the Heliosphere” (DOI)
- P. Vaisanen et al. (2024), “Daily heliospheric modulation potential (V23) and modelled GCR dataset compared to space measurements of the GCR energy spectrum” (DOI)
Incontri di Fisica delle Alte Energie IFAE-2024 – Firenze, Italy, 3-5 April 2024
- M. Orcinha et al. (2024), “Recent low-energy results from the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station and their interpretation”
The Geoscience paradigm Resources, Risk and future perspectives – Potenza, 19-21 settembre 2023
- M. Bisolfati et al. (2023), “Analysis of spectral variation in the Craters of the Moon basaltic flow using ASTER 100 m emissivity data”
- E. Bruschini et al. (2023), “Spectroscopic characterization of Martian analog mineral mixtures”
- G. Fisauli et al. (2023), “Distinguishing geochemical signature of volcanic rocks using PRISMA satellite: the case study of Tenerife”
- A. Pisello et al. (2023), “Volcanic glasses and geochemical signatures: a new resource to decipher volcanic products on planetary surfaces”
- D. Pelosi et al. (2023), “An effective and predictive model for the long-term variations of Cosmic Rays in the Heliosphere”
IIª Edizione Workshop IRPI – CNR Roma – 10 Luglio 2023
- M. Bisolfati et al. (2023), “Geological mapping using aster remote sensing data: the case of the Craters of the Moon basaltic flow”
Space Environment Monitoring Workshop – SPACEMON 2023 – 15-17 Maggio 2023 ESA/ESTEC, Netherland
- D. Pelosi et al. (2023), “An effective and predictive model for the long-term variations of Cosmic Rays in the Heliosphere”
- F. Faldi et al. (2023), “Daily evolution of the cosmic-ray proton fluxes measured by AMS-02 experiment in the ISS”
Incontri di Fisica delle Alte Energie – IFAE 2023, 12-14 Aprile 2023, Catania, Italy
- F. Faldi et al. (2023), “Misura dell’Evoluzione Temporale del Flusso di Protoni ed Elio con AMS-02”
EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023
- M. Occhipinti et al. (2023), “Open-source Performance of DInSAR Technique for the Detection of Ground Deformation induced by Large Earthquakes using Sentinel-1 and SNAP operators in Python” [doi]
XVIII Congresso Nazionale di Scienze Planetarie – 6-10 Febbraio 2021 Perugia, Italy
- Bisolfati et al. (2023), “Comparison of infrared spectral features from planetary surfaces and laboratory rock samples”
- Pisello et al. (2023), “The PVRG spectral database of lab-made volcanic products on the SSDC infrastructure: a new catalog of reference spectra to characterize volcanic terrains on planetary bodies”
47th Annual Meeting of the European Radiation Research Society, 21-24 September 2022, Catania, Italy
- A. Reina Conde et al. (2022), “Modeling solar modulation of the galactic proton flux measured by AMS-02 and PAMELA”
108° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Fisica – 12-16 Settembre 2022 – Milan, Italy
- Faldi F., et al. (2022), “Temporal Evolution of the Da Proton Flux with AMS-02”
12th Cosmic Ray International Seminar CRIS 2022 – 12-16 September 2022, Naples, Italy
- A. Reina Conde et al. (2022), “Modeling solar modulation in cosmic rays in light of new data from AMS-02 and PAMELA”
International Conference on Astroparticle Physics RICAP 2022 – 6-9 September 2022, Rome, Italy
- N. Tomassetti et al. (2022), “Modeling solar modulation of cosmic rays in light of new data from AMS-02 and PAMELA”
Orange County Astronomers General Meeting – 9 September 2022, Online / Orange County, USA
- N. Tomassetti (2022), “Cosmic rays, antimatter, dark matter: connecting the dots”
The 27th European Cosmic Ray Symposium ECRS 2022 – 25-29 July 2022, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
- B. Khiali et al. (2022), “Propagation times and energy losses of cosmic-ray protons in the heliosphere“
- N. Tomassetti (2022), “Direct measurements of Galactic Cosmic Rays”
EGU General Assembly 2022 – 23–27 May 2022 – Vienna, Austria
- A. Pisello et al., “Experimental petrology and spectroscopy: building analogue samples in laboratory for planetary exploration”
- F. Faldi, “Real time monitoring of Solar Energetic Particles outside the ISS with the AMS”
- N. Tomassetti, Data driven analysis of Galactic cosmic rays in the heliosphere: diffusion of cosmic protons and nuclei”
XXXVII International Cosmic Ray Conference – 12-23 July 2021 – Berlin, Germany
- N. Tomassetti, E. Fiandrini, B. Bertucci, “New insights from cross-correlation studies between Solar activity and Cosmic-ray fluxes”.
- N. Tomassetti, et al., “Data driven analysis of Galactic cosmic rays in the heliosphere: diffusion of cosmic protons and nuclei”.
- D. Pelosi, N. Tomassetti, M. Duranti, “A web application for monitoring cosmic rays and solar activity”.
- B. Khiali, B. Bertucci, E. Fiandrini, N. Tomassetti, “Time-dependent propagation times and energy losses of protons in the heliosphere”.
Solar Modulation and Dark Matter Workshop – 15-19 November 2021 – IFPU Trieste Italy
- F. Faldi, Monitoring the radiation environment on the ISS with the AMS-02 experiment.
- N. Tomassetti, “Long-term correlation between Solar activity and Cosmic-ray fluxes”.
50th Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society – SIS 2021 – Pisa, Italy
- Bernardi M., Fontana M, Menafoglio A., Pisello A., Porreca M., Perugini D., Vantini S. (2021), Composition-on-Function Regression Model for the Remote Analysis of Near-Earth Asteroids. [ISBN 9788891910776].
107° Congresso Nazionale, Società Italiana di Fisica – 13-17 Settembre 2021
- Faldi F., et al. (2021), “Real time monitoring of the radiation environment on the ISS with the AMS-02 detector”.
90° Congresso della Società Geologica Italiana – SGI 2021
- Bisolfati M, Pisello A., Porreca M., Zinzi A., Perugini D. (2021), Comparison of emissivity spectra from Mars surface and laboratory rock samples: preliminary results (presented in “The contribution of geology to the knowledge of solar system bodies”).
Europlanet Science Congress – EPSC 2021 – September 2021
- Pisello A., Maturilli A., Porreca M., Perugini D. (2021), “Spectroscopy on silicate glasses from two magmatic series: implications for planetary studies”.
106° Congresso Nazionale, Società Italiana di Fisica – SIF 2020
- Pelosi D. et al. (2020), “Sviluppo di un portale online per il monitoraggio della radiazione cosmica e dell’attività solare”.
Chianti Topics – 4th International Focus Workshop – Planets in Laboratory
- Pisello A. et al. (2020) “Building a spectroscopic silicate glasses database for planetary science”.
50th Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society (SIS 2020)
- Bernardi, Fontana, Menafoglio, Perugini, Pisello, Ferrari, De Angelis, De Sanctis, Vantini (2020). Functional Data Analysis for Spectroscopy Data. ISBN 9788891910776
Primo congresso italiano della Space Weather Community (SWICO) – ASI, 2020
- Fiandrini E., et al. (2020) “Understanding solar modulation of cosmic rays in the heliosphere – overview and challenge”
- Tomassetti N., et al. (2020), “Cross-correlation between Solar activity and Cosmic-ray fluxes over the Solar Cycle”
- Bertucci B., et al. (2020), “AMS-02 measurements of solar modulation effects on galactic cosmic rays”
Cosmic Ray Anisotropy workshop (CRA-2019), GSSI institute, L’Aquila, 2019
- Khiali B., et al. (2019), “Recent progress in solar modulation modelling in light of new cosmic-ray data from AMS-02“
Cross sections for Cosmic Rays at CERN (XSCRC2019), Ginevra (CH), 2019
- Tomassetti N., et al. (2019), “Galactic cosmic-ray propagation and cross sections”
Congresso Società Geologica Italiana, Parma, 2019
- Pisello A., et al. (2019) “Viscosity of ultramafic melts during cooling: insights for emplacement of Martian lava flows“
- Pisello A., et al. (2019) “A new spectroscopic database for silicate glasses: implications for planetary science“
XXXVI International Cosmic Ray Conference, Madison (USA), 2019
- Bertucci B., “Latest Results from the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station”
- Tomassetti N., “Precision Measurement of the Monthly Proton and Helium Fluxes in Cosmic Rays with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station”
- Tomassetti N., et al. “Properties of the cosmic ray modulation time lag”
- Tomassetti N., et al. “New results in solar modulation of cosmic rays”
XV Congresso Nazionale di Scienze Planetarie, Roma, 2019
- Pisello A., et al. ” Experimental petrology and planetary studies: spectroscopy on silicate glasses for the exploration of volcanic terrains”